How To Find A Promising Part-Time Freelance Report Writing Position

So, you are thinking about venturing into the world of part-time freelance writing but don’t want to follow the crowd by churning out blog posts and articles. You are thinking that maybe you would like to earn your crust submitting reports. Okay, well you have several options open to you that I will outline in a minute. There is consistent work to be found if you are willing to put the time and effort that is required into looking for it.

How do you go about it?

Manage your expectations

It is not my intention to be negative. However, if you are attempting to stay clear of the crowd then you need to understand that while there are lucrative positions out there to be gained, unless you know where to look for them they may take a little while longer to find. It is great to aim high, and with report writing you don’t even have to aim that high to find work. You just need to understand that the work is not necessarily going to fall straight into your lap.

Know the kinds of reports that you want to write

This might seem like common-sense, but you would be amazed at just how many people go into this without having a clue as to what kind of reports they want to write. That is fine if you are happy to feel your way to a certain extent. But if your passion is I.T. or Data Analysis, then finding yourself suddenly called on to write a report, on say the merits of chick lit, vs. romantic fiction, is not really going to float your boat. Reports come in all shapes and sizes, and while having the ability to write on a wide range of topics will add to your appeal, it might help you if you are looking to specialize in a niche field.

Test the water

If you are a complete novice, then I would suggest dipping your toes in the water by registering with at least one of the major online agencies. Reports on just about every subject imaginable are just begging to be written. However, you simply need to be aware that the pay for these can sometimes be very low. I would suggest bidding low for the first couple just so that you can get a feel for the kind of things people are looking for.

Go straight to the horse’s mouth

If you know the kinds of reports that you want to write, then why not write a list of potential companies to call and give them a quick call to see if they have any freelance vacancies? Nothing ventured; nothing gained, and you might find yourself speaking to the right company at the right time.

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