Looking For Good Freelance Writing Jobs Hints For Students With No Experience

You may be in school and in the middle of a degree program or you may just be starting out but you are considering a job working as a freelance writer. This challenging yet rewarding field is something that many students are doing in their spare time and helping to earn some extra money on the side or even paying for their college tuition and expenses. If you are considering this job choice but have no experience, consider these hints for how to get going in this field and being successful.

Market your skills and experience

The first hint when trying to enter this field when you have no writing experience is to highlight the skills and experience that you do have. This experience could include your educational background, sports or activities you have participated in, hobbies, pets, or anything else that shows experience in a specialty field. Writing contracts are not just looking for writers who work in a specific field, they look for experience on a topic and someone who can compose and speak knowledgeably on the subject. Put together a resume of your experiences and present it to potential employers who are looking for a writer to work with.

Develop a portfolio

If you are struggling to get off the ground due to lack of experience then consider developing a portfolio of your work. This could mean just writing sample blogs on topics that you are interested in or it could be compiling the work you have done for a variety of small projects that will allow you to display your writing style and what you are passionate about. Compile these works and have them available for potential clients to review and see your writing style.

Solicit work

Another way to get your foot in the door and find good freelance writing jobs is by soliciting your work to potential contracts. For example, blog sites will publish a calendar of upcoming topics where you can send potential writing to them. Utilize these sites and send your pieces for consideration and eventually, with some persistence you will get established.

The task may seem daunting but even students can be successful freelance writers and get started in the industry following these hints. Remember, even the most successful writers had to start at the bottom and work their way up.

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